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Top 10 Skincare Recommendations

1. Use quality products

When it comes to your skin it's not the time to penny pinch on products. Good products cost more, if you have problematic skin they will cost most! Effective products will have ingredients that arent 'watered down' and are more specific for your skin type and needs. Quality products will also be best in maintaining healthy skin if you feel your skin is perfect already. Remember with each decade you should be altering your skincare regimen to suit hormonal changes, changes in the skin's elasticity and abilty to rejouvenate itself as well as changes in your skin type. Using SOAP on your face at any point in life is an absolute NO. Skin is your body's largest organ treat it well!

2. Visit a dermatologist/esthetician

If you are dealing with skin issues or not sure what you should be using on your skin, go to the experts. Never pick at blemishes or try to remedy issues yourself as you may be makng the situation worse. Monthly facials at a great esthetian will have your skin looking radiant, if you are on a budget see your esthetician every three months and ask for simple at home recommendations to maintain your skin until your next visit.

3. Use clean tools and practice good hygiene

Too many times I've heard about allergies to products when the reality is that brushes haven't been cleaned in months (or ever), sponges are festering in moisture and used day after day without being disposed or washed and the products have been contaiminated by sharing with others or have simply expired. Some rules to live by for your personal kit: wash brushes at least once a week, don't share anything (tools or makeup), don't use expired products, don't leave tools and makeup open to the environment or heat, and dispense cream/liquids with spatulas rather than using fingers/dirty sponges. When it comes to avoiding breakouts ensure you never sleep with your makeup on, keep your hands off of your face (at the gym or just in general), and keep your hair clean and be careful with the products used in your hair.

4. Hydrate

Water water water. It can solve alot of problems! All systems in your body depend on water. Individual intake varies depending on health, activity, and where you live. On average the adequate fluid intake for men is roughly about 13 cups (3 liters) a day and for women about 9 cups (2.2 liters) a day.

5. Exercise

You might not think that exercise will have an impact on your skin but it absolutely does. Healthy circulation will increase blood flow and oxygen, nourishing skin cells and carrying away waste products. Exercise is also known to ease stress which in turn can reduce stress related acne and eczema. Another benefit of exercise is that it tones muscles, this will make your skin appear firmer and look better! Recommended exercise to start is walking 30mins, 3 times a week.

6. Sleep

Perhaps I get too much of this as I love my sleep, luckily The National Sleep Foundation backs me up as they recommend that adults get 7-9 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to an increase in stress hormones and this can affect the severity of skin conditons like psoriasis, eczema, acne, contact dermatitis and skin sensitivity. Lack of sleep can also affect your water balance causing under eye circles and puffiness as well as dryness and over time the development of wrinkles.

7. Balanced diet

Eating a healthy balanced diet will improve your skin and help in preventing skin problems. Try to have the right amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and grains. Pay attention to foods (dairy, chocolate, wheat, nuts, soy, oily foods etc.) that you may have allergies to as this may manifest itself on your skin.

8. Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamins are minerals may be key to healthy skin. Vitamin A helps regulate the skin cycle it is found in salmon, carrots, spinach, and broccoli. Vitamins E & C are antioxidants and have a calming effect on the skin. Great sources of vitamin C are lemons, grapefruit, papaya, and tomatoes. Vitamin E can be found in sweet potatoes, nuts, olive oil, sunflower seeds, avocados, broccoli, and leafy green vegetables. Zinc calms irritated skin and also helps to prevent acne by forming an inhospitable environment. Almonds, Brazil nuts, turkey and wheat germ are good sources of Zinc. Selenium is a mineral found in wheat germ, tuna, salmon, garlic, brazil nuts, eggs, and brown rice that helps protect skin from free radical damage and it can improve acne. Omega-3 fatty acids can help with inflammation and it promotes skin cell turnover. Black currant oil, flaxseed oil, walnuts, salmon and sardines and almonds all have Omega-3 fatty acids.

9. Sun Protection Factor

A must have to protect yourself from pigmentation, and worse yet cancer. With so many SPF products on the market you may not know what to choose. Lets start here, select SPFs no lower than 30 and no higher than 50, include some combination of the following UVA-blocking ingredients: zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, avobenzone, ecamsule, and oxybenzone. Choose SPF with UVA and UVB protection (labeled multi spectrum, broad spectrum, or UVA/UVB protection). Reapply every hour, and don't forget to wear clothing and accessories to block out the sun (hats, shades, cover ups). Last but not least, use SPF even when you are just driving in the car, you don't have to be laying out in a bikini on the beach to get sun damage!

10. No smoking

Not only can smoking kill you, it can also make you look bad while your alive. Skin discolouration, uneven tone, large pores, brown teeth and gums, smokey odor and bad breath, wrinkles, dehydrated skin, coasre skin, infection, disease, psoriasis, I could go on and on. Smoking and bad skin go hand in hand so cut the bad habit if not for your health at least for your vanity!

What do you think? Would love to hear what works for you!

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